Selime Gurol – Senior Researcher ALGO Team


Book Chapter

A. Moore, C. A. Edwards, J. Fiechter, P. Drake, H. G. Arango, E. Neveu, S. Gürol, and A. T. Weaver. A 4D-Var Analysis System for the California Current: A Prototype for an Operational Regional Ocean Data Assimilation System. In S. K. Park and Liang Xu, editors, Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrological Applications. Springer, 2013.

Journal Articles

O. Goux, S. Gürol, A.T. Weaver, Y. Diouane, O. Guillet. Impact of correlated observation errors on the conditioning of variational data assimilation problems. Numer Linear Algebra Appl. 31(1):e2529, 2024.  [doi | pdf]

P. Boudier, A. Fillion, S. Gratton, S. Gürol, S. Zhang. Data assimilation networks. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15, 2023. [ doipdf ]

M. Peyron, A. Fillion, S. Gürol, V. Marchais, S. Gratton, P. Boudier, and G. Goret. Latent space data assimilation by using deep learning. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 147(740): 3759–3777, 2021. [ doi | pdf ]

P. Laloyaux, M. Bonavita, M. Chrust, and S. Gürol. Exploring the potential and limitations of weak-constraint 4D-Var. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146: 4067– 4082. 2020.

A. Fillion, M. Bocquet, S. Gratton, S. Gürol, and Pavel Sakov. An iterative Ensemble Kalman Smoother in Presence of Additive Model Error. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantifi- cation, 8(1):198–228, 2020.

O. Guillet, A. T. Weaver, X. Vasseur, Y. Michel, S. Gratton, and S. Gürol. Modelling spatially correlated observation errors in variational data assimilation using a diffusion operator on an unstructured mesh. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 145(722):1947–1967, 2019.

F. Mercier, Y. Michel, T. Montmerle, P. Jolivet, and S. Gürol. Speeding up the ensemble data assim- ilation system of the limited-area model of Météo-France using a block Krylov algorithm. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 145(720):910–929, 2019.

S. Gratton, S. Gürol, E. Simon, and Ph. L. Toint. A note on preconditioning weighted linear least squares, with consequences for weakly-constrained variational data assimilation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144(712):934–940, 2018.

S. Gratton, S. Gürol, E. Simon, and Ph. L. Toint. Guaranteeing the convergence of the saddle formula- tion for weakly-constrained 4D-VAR data assimilation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144(717):2592–2602, 2018.

F. Mercier, S. Gürol, P. Jolivet, Y. Michel, and T. Montmerle. Block Krylov methods for accelerating ensembles of variational data assimilations. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144(717):2463–2480, 2018.

M. Fisher and S. Gürol. Parallelisation in the time dimension of four-dimensional variational data assimilation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143(703):1136–1147, 2017.

A. T. Weaver, S. Gürol, J. Tshimanga, M. Chrust, and A. Piacentini. Time-parallel diffusion-based correlation operators. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144(716):2067–2088, 2018.

M. Fisher, S. Gratton, S. Gürol, Y. Trémolet, and X. Vasseur. Low rank updates in preconditioning the saddle point systems arising from data assimilation problems. Optimization Methods and Software, 33(1):45–69, 2018.

J. Mandel, E. Bergou, S. Gürol, and S. Gratton. Hybrid Levenberg–Marquardt and weak-constraint ensemble Kalman smoother method. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Discussions, 23(2):59–73, 2016.

E. Emili, S. Gürol, and D. Cariolle. Accounting for model error in air quality forecasts: an application of 4DEnVar to the assimilation of atmospheric composition using QG-Chem 1.0. Geoscientific Model Development, 9(11):3933–3959, 2016.

S. Gürol, A. T. Weaver, A. M. Moore, A. Piacentini, H. G. Arango, and S. Gratton. B Preconditioned Minimization Algorithms for Variational Data Assimilation with the Dual Formulation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 140(679), 2014.

S. Gratton, S. Gürol, and Ph. L. Toint. Preconditioning and globalizing conjugate gradients in dual space for quadratically penalized nonlinear-least squares problems. Computational Optimization and Applications, 54:1–25, 2013.

S. Gürol, I. Behnert, H. Özen, A. Deadman, N. Fox,and U. M. Leloglu. Tuzgölü: new CEOS reference standard test site for infrared visible optical sensors. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(5):553–565, 2010.

Conference Proceedings

A. Gazaix, F. Gallard, V. Ambert, D. Guénot, M. Hamadi, S. Grihon, P. Sarouille, T. Druot, J. Brezillon, V. Gachelin, J. Plakoo, N. Desfachelles, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, S. Gürol, B. Pauwels, C. Vanaret, and R. Lafage. Industrial Application of an Advanced Bi-level MDO Formulation to Aircraft Engine Pylon Optimization. June 2019

A. Gazaix, F. Gallard, V. Gachelin, T. Druot, S. Grihon, V. Ambert, D. Guénot, R. Lafage, C. Vanaret, B. Pauwels, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, P. Sarouille, N. Desfachelles, J. Brézillon, M. Hamadi, and S. Gürol. Towards the Industrialization of New MDO Methodologies and Tools for Aircraft Design. In 18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Reston, Virginia, jun 2017. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

S. Gratton, S. Gürol, E. Simon, and Ph. L. Toint. Issues in making the weakly-constrained 4D-Var formulation computationally efficient. In Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects in the Geosciences, volume 47, pages 22–27, 2016.

S. Gratton, S. Gürol, Ph. L. Toint, J. Tshimanga, and A. T. Weaver. Krylov methods in the observation space for data assimilation. In Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects of Atmosphere-Ocean Data Assimilation, volume 58, pages 3427–3429, 2012.AA

Technical Reports

Y.Diouane, S. Gürol, O. Mouhtal, D. Orban. An Efficient Scaled spectral preconditioner for sequences of symmetric positive definite linear systems. arXiv:2410.02204, 2024.

J. Briant, P. Mycek, M. Destouches, O.Goux, S. Gratton, S. Gürol, E. Simon, A. T. Weaver. A filtered multilevel Monte Carlo method for estimating the expectation of discretized random field. arXiv:2311.06069, 2023.

Y. Diouane, S. Gürol, A. Scotto di Perrotolo, X. Vasseur. A general error analysis for randomized low-rank approximation methods. arXiv:2206.08793, 2022

A. T. Weaver, S. Gürol, J. Tshimanga, M. Chrust, and A. Piacentini. Time-parallel diffusion-based correlation operators. Technical Report Technical Report 808, ECMWF, 2017.

U.M. Leloglu, S. Gürbüz, H. Özen, and S. Gürol. Characterization of the spatial uniformity of the tuz gölü calibration test site. In Proceedings of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing workshop on modeling of optical airborne and space borne sensors, volume XXXVIII-1/W17, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2010.

N. Fox, I. Behnert, H. Pegrum-Browning, S. Gürol, and H. Özen. A best practice guide to land test site characterization. Technical Report QA4EO-WGCV-IVO-CLP-004, A Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation documentation, 2009.

N. Fox, I. Behnert, H. Pegrum-Browning, S. Gürol, and H. Özen. Procedure for establishing a land-based reference test site. Technical Report QA4EO-WGCV-IVO-CLP-003, A Quality Assurance Frame- work for Earth Observation documentation, 2009b.

O. Algün, B. Dikmen, S. Gürol, M. Hüdaverdi, H. Özen, and C. Tüfekçi. Space technologies applications. Science and Technics Turkish popular science magazine, september 2009. published in Turkish.

H. Özen, S. Gürol, U. M. Leloglu, and E. Tunalı. Tuz gölü: New absolute radiometric calibration test site. In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of Turkish Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2009. published in Turkish.

S. Gürol, H. Özen, U. M. Leloglu, and E. Tunalı. Characterization of the spatial uniformity of the tuz gölü calibration test site. In Proceedings of XXIst International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress, volume XXXVII, Part B1, Beijing, China, July 2008.

S. Gürol and Ö. Gurtuna. Towards space: International space university expedition to Turkey, 2006.

G. Yüksel, E. Tunalı, S. Gürol, and U. M. Leloglu. Tubitak-Uzay studies on earth observation satellites and data dissemination policies. In Proceedings of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System workshop, 2006. published in Turkish.

International space university project team. Space technologies for the research of the effective water management. Technical report, International Space University, 2004.

PhD Thesis

S. Gürol. Solving Regularized Nonlinear Least-squares Problems in Dual Space with Application to Variational Data Assimilation. PhD thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France, 2013.

Master Thesis

S. Gürol. Statistical learning and optimization methods for improving the efficiency in landscape image clustering and classification problems. Institute of Applied Mathematics, METU, Ankara, 2005.

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